1. How do i delete my data from the app?

You have two options when you want to permanently delete your data from the app and database. 

1) In the Wake Up Hero - Gamified Alarm app, in the Account page, at the end of the page is a button called "Delete". This will automatically delete your data from storage and database.

2) You can contact us to request deletion of your data and we will manually remove all your stored data from the database, but this may still keep some of your data stored local in your device. Contact us on the form below.

What data will be removed?

From the database: 

-your authentication data (username, email) - passwords are not stored

-your subscription state

-other data from using the app (in-app coins, pending quests, unlocked quests, finished quests, current part of the quests, last quest date)

Locally (if you select the first option 1), we can't delete your local stored data): 

-all data stored locally on your device (authentication status, data from your app usage) 

Contact us for requests

Contact us

Level Genie Studios

App: Wake Up Hero App - Gamified Alarm


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